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Newborn Brew is a community center and coffee shop that’s sharing the gospel in Pristina, Kosovo.
Jordan and Jenny are missionaries to Kosovo and operate Newborn Brew, a coffee shop in Pristina.
Meaghan is a missionary in Kosovo, serving with the team at Newborn Brew in Pristina.
I almost QUIT being a missionary
9 MIN – In this episode, Andy shares a story of resilience and the importance of the church standing by missionaries when they feel most defeated.
Less Than 2,000 Christians Live Here
10 MIN – Andy takes you to Europe’s least evangelized country, showing the struggles of growing a faith community in Kosovo.
What is the 10/40 Window?
2 MIN – The 10/40 Window is a code word to define a region that spans Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
Why Leaving Kosovo Wasn’t Possible
8 MIN – Join Andy and Newborn Brew as they travel to Rome, Italy after Kosovo was granted “Visa Liberation.”