Freeing Christian slaves in Pakistan

We are on a mission to free our brothers and sisters from slavery in Pakistan.

Help Free Slaves In Pakistan

Join 750+ generous supporters that are freeing Christian slaves in Pakistan.

Our purpose

There are over 4 million slaves in Pakistan–many of them are Christians. Our mission is to free as many Christians from modern slavery as possible.

Impoverished families are lured into debt traps by “landlords” where they are forced to work long hours to pay off. Through deceptive practices, these “landlords” trap families into insurmountable debts they can’t pay off. 

We need your help. For every $1,000 we can rescue a Christian from slavery in Pakistan. Your gifts allow us to free slaves in Pakistan and stop the endless cycle of servitude. Once liberated, our team helps provide a path to education and jobs, so the family can remain free.

What We’re Doing

  • Rescuing 100 slaves in Pakistan – $100,000
  • Providing education and job resources to freed slaves – $5,000/mo.
  • Buying missionaries in Pakistan a reliable vehicle – $5,000
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Prayers of the Oppressed

Watch the powerful story of a Christian family caught in the brutal cycle of slavery in Pakistan.

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What is slavery like in Pakistan?

Slavery in Pakistan takes on many different forms, but the most common is debt slavery and forced labor. Individuals are forced to work in brick kilns, agriculture fields, and other industries without any pay or with extremely low wages. People are often lured into working under false promises of decent pay and living conditions.

A slave in Pakistan making bricks.
A slave woman and her child making bricks in Pakistan.

How can I help slaves in Pakistan?

We work with local missionaries in Pakistan to liberate Christians from slavery. For approximately $1,000, we can free a Christian from slavery, provide education and jobs. Your donation will help break the cycle of slavery in Pakistan.

Help Free Slaves In Pakistan

It’s estimated that over 4 million people in Pakistan are slaves. Most of them are Christian. Your gift can help us free a slave and provide education and employment.

Help Free Slaves In Pakistan

A slave woman making bricks in Pakistan.

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