December 30, 2024 • Staff

State of the Nations: 2024 Annual Report

See the incredible things God is doing on the mission field with Nations Outreach.

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It has been a remarkable first year at Nations Outreach. Today, we’re releasing our first annual State of the Nations Annual Report for 2024. This recap highlights the incredible things God is doing on the mission field and how your generous support has made an impact.

The Formation of Nations Outreach

The founding of Nations Outreach is filled with miracles and God’s timing.

We chose the name Nations Outreach and write our mission statement–care for people and tell their story.

We purchased our web domain, filed our business and non-profit paperwork, and registered our social media accounts on December 22nd, 2023. We were told by the government that it would take over six months to receive our tax exempt status. This isn’t unusual in the United States, but what happened next is.

On January 6th, we received our official tax-exempt status. This allowed us to set up the infrastructure to accept donations, send money to missionaries, and receive critical grants from third-party companies.

From that moment, we knew that God wanted to use Nations Outreach for something bigger than we had imagined.

Caring For People

Throughout 2024, God gave us the opportunity to care for orphans, slaves, missionaries, pastors, churches, and new friends who don’t know Jesus. We are thrilled with the work God is doing through Nations Outreach. We are so thankful for the volunteers and donors that make our ministry possible.

Missionaries & Trips

This year, we partnered with 15 missionaries around the world. Our team planted churches in Kosovo and the Dominican Republic. We led mission teams on 6 mission trips including the Dominican Republic, Spain, Uganda, and Ukraine.

Jinja Children’s Home

Your generosity allowed us to provide care to 50 orphans at the Jinja Children’s Home in Uganda. This includes food, shelter, education, and medical care.

We made two trips to Uganda to work alongside Joseph Mumbya who leads the orphanage. During those trips we were able to finish building the Girls Home Project, which gave every child at the orphanage their own bed for the first time.

We look forward to continuing to improve the orphanage and provide the kids with the best nutrition and education possible. We are also helping Joseph to start a sustainable business that can provide additional resources to the kids and staff.

Barahona Mission Base

We visited Johan Hernandez and his family at the Barahona Mission Base in the Dominican Republic. We are really excited for the future of the mission base. This year, Johan planted a church in the community and has continued his various ministries alongside his wife Marisol.

We are sending teams to the Dominican Republic to help serve the community starting in February.

Pakistan Outreach

One of the biggest blessings this year has been seeing our team in Pakistan continue to rescue our Christian brothers and sisters from slavery. This year, because of donors like you, we were able to free 20 Christians from modern slavery.

We released a documentary–Prayers of the Oppressed–that gives you an inside look at what slavery in Pakistan looks like.

Additionally, our team has started a Christian school that is blossoming. There are now over 100 full-time Christian students that are getting an education, helping prevent them from being trapped by slavery themselves.

Newborn Brew

Jordan & Jenny Silva have continued reaching the lost at Newborn Brew in Pristina, Kosovo. The couple have planted a church inside the coffee shop and do incredible ministry in the majority-Muslim country.

This year, multiple missionaries and mission teams have gone to serve at Newborn Brew and we hope to send many more ministry partners to the coffee shop in 2025.

Telling Their Story

In addition to Prayers of the Oppressed, this year we released over 20 videos showing what God is doing through the church around the globe.

We premiered Into The Nations with Andy Ziesemer, a series that took you to the mission field and gave you a first-hand look at what its like to be a missionary serving.

Next year, we’re ramping up our efforts. We have multiple new shows coming and will be releasing new episodes soon. Plus, we will begin releasing short stories and video updates that keep you connected to missionaries serving everywhere.

Financial Report

Currently, we are finalizing our financial report. As soon as our tax documents are filed, we’ll share our financial statements below. We estimate that our annual revenue will be close to $200,000 and our spending will be nearly 70% on ministry and care and 30% on staff and overhead.

Thank You

We are thrilled with the work God is doing through Nations Outreach. We are so thankful for the volunteers and donors that make our ministry possible. Every gift is so meaningful to us because it allows us to continue sharing the gospel and supporting the church around the globe,

We have a lot of exciting plans for 2025! 

Join Nations Outreach right now with a donation and be a part of the amazing work God is doing.

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