Am I still a missionary?

Douglas Ziesemer
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I recently served playing worship at a reformed church in Hungary alongside an amazing group of people.
I was asked to share my testimony with the crowd and I was happy to do this as my testimony has a unique spin. However, this is not the point of me writing this.

We played a few songs, I shared my testimony, and we continued to play. I didn’t think that what I shared had much impact as there was no reaction from people in the crowd.

After we finished our second set, the pastor thanked us and he pulled me aside to thank me for the testimony, he then asked me my story in connection to Hungary, why I’m here, where I’m from, etc. For some reason, people always assume I’m from England. So they are always surprised I’m American.
I told the pastor I am a missionary and part of my ministry is doing music and that I also have a secular job and I share the gospel in my office. He asked me how and if I had any good stories of bringing Hungarians to Christ in the office.

I was telling him about a few times I was able to share Christ and encourage people to seek Christ. And while I was telling him this, it hit me. I am still a missionary!

After my encouraging conversation with the pastor, I then spoke with a young lady who said that she was so touched by my testimony. The part when I said “I am no longer embarrassed to tell my testimony” is what hit her heart.
She expressed that she has felt the same way about hers and the moment I expressed this, something changed in her mind and she is no longer scared or embarrassed to step up in front of people and share!

This was such an encouraging moment for me as well and this gave yet another stamp on my heart saying “You are still a missionary!”.

It is so easy to lose focus on what we are doing, where we are going, and what our calling is. Sometimes our calling changes a little, and sometimes it changes completely. All the while still staying within God’s hands.

I am happy to stand proud and absolutely sure that I am still on the mission field, I am still being an example to people even when I may not feel it.

Always remember, when you are faithful to God, you are never outside of his calling for your life!

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