You need to kill their hope…
I heard a really sad story today about how a pastor serving in a far away country had…

I heard a really sad story today about how a pastor serving in a far away country had been disparaging local pastors serving here in Ukraine. He’d been telling those serving in Ukraine that their aid work was not only in vain, but it was delaying the inevitable outcome of the conflict by giving refugees hope.
The minister I spoke to was told that, “This war will continue for as long as people like you are giving the people hope for a future.” They said this pastor ought to send the displaced people of Ukraine away and encourage them to submit to the invasion and kill their hope of a future.
Only then would the war end.
This is not a political post. Rather it’s a heart breaking picture I saw today of how divisive the church can become in moments like this.
We berate one another inside our own circles for doing anything outside of what we deem as “right”, while missing the enormous opportunity we’ve been given to express the hope of the Gospel to anybody we might encounter.
What a waste of the churches time.

If you look at the list of current geo-political tensions or armed conflicts —aka; wars— you’ll find an overwhelming opportunity. So many so, it seems impossible to even start.
Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, Kosovo, Somalia, Haiti, Syria, Myanmar…
Next, add natural disasters. The list increases.
Now, add traumas surrounding death.
Then add your neighbor who is mourning the loss of their marriage.
The list goes on.
The church has one of the grandest opportunities to provide not only relief to those in pain, but TRUE hope in the midst of chaos. We’re to the ones providing hope, not smashing it down because it dosen’t fit our narrative.
Whenever we’re handed a chance to serve others, we’re given an opportunity to put into action everything we claim to believe is true.
I know that the cost of that can be really high. But I do encourage you to pay it. It has enormous reward.
Guys… let’s be known for rushing to care for one another instead of criticizing each others approach as we go.
Today I watched selfless people prepared a warm meal for IDPs (internally displaced people). I saw children and elderly people serving side by side passing out soup. I overheard prayers being brought to the Lord on one another’s behalf. I saw the Gospel in action in its purest form.
Let’s be known for that kind of stuff.
~ Andy