August 1, 2024 • Jeremy Koering

The Ultimate Guide To Christian Missions

If you’re interested in Christian missions this guide is for you. Read about the challenges missionaries face and how to get involved.

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Johan Hernandez, a missionary in the Dominican Republic, discipling kids through sports ministry.

For 20 years, I have been going on mission trips, helping send missionaries abroad, and building mission organizations. I get asked a lot of questions about Christian missions and what missionaries do on the mission field.

In this guide, I’ll help show you what Christian missions look like in 2024, how you can get involved, common challenges missionaries face, and so much more.

What are Christian missions?

Christian missions are an organized effort to spread the gospel and teachings of Jesus to non-believers. People who dedicate their lives to this calling are often referred to as missionaries.

In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus commanded his followers to, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

There is a debate inside the Christian church about terms like “missions” and “mission”. In the scripture, Jesus isn’t commanding specific people to be missionaries, he’s telling all Christians to go and make disciples.

This makes defining terms really difficult.

Despite any theological or missiological debates, at Nations Outreach, our intent is to share the gospel of Jesus.

We use terms like “missions” and “missionaries” because most Christians understand what we mean. However, we believe Jesus is commanding all Christians, not just missionaries, to evangelize and make disciples.

What do Christian missions look like?

Christian missions take many shapes and involve a wide range of activities. Some of the most common types of Christian missions include:

  • Evangelism
  • Church planting
  • Discipleship
  • Humanitarian work
  • Education and training
  • Medical aid
  • Orphan care and adoption

Christian missions can also involve traveling to different countries or staying in your own community. The methods used may vary, but the ultimate goal is always to share the message of Jesus and help others have a personal relationship with God.

Why are Christian missions important?

First and foremost, they fulfill Jesus’ command to go and make disciples. But they do so much more. Every day we see and hear stories about what God is doing around the world. He’s transforming lives through the work of missionaries.

In Pakistan, we’re helping free slaves and breaking generational debt that forced entire families to work for a debt they could never pay off. In Uganda, we’re caring for orphans, providing a home and education to kids that would be left behind. In the Dominican Republic, we’ve seen a school built from dirt, giving poor Haitian refugees and Dominicans the chance at a better future.

The goal is to be the hands and feet of Jesus. It’s about showing love and compassion to others, just as Jesus did during his time on earth.

The History of Missionaries

The history of missionaries is written about in The New Testament. It’s estimated that The Great Commission to go and make disciples took place in the year 33, shortly after Jesus would be crucified, rise from the dead, and ascend to heaven. 

During the early years of Christianity, disciples and apostles traveled throughout the Mediterranean region to spread the gospel. This would start the Apostolic Age during the first century. We read about Peter, Mark, and Philip all proselytizing throughout the known world. 

Saul of Tarsus is converted and becomes Paul – who would become the most studied missionary ever. Scholars believe Paul’s first missionary journey took place in the year 47, through modern-day Turkey and Cyprus. Paul’s conversion was instrumental in the spread of Christianity. 

This continued for centuries, with missionaries often facing persecution and martyrdom.

In the 1800s, modern missionary movements began in Europe and North America as Christians felt called to bring the message of Jesus to other parts of the world. Famous missionaries such as William Carey, Hudson Taylor, and Amy Carmichael dedicated their lives to spreading the gospel in Asia.

Today, there are 400,000 Christian missionaries around the world.

How to get involved with Christian Missions

It doesn’t take an organization, program, or project to start sharing the gospel. You can start evangelizing to those around you in your community. Check with your church and find out if they have any evangelism ministries or programs.

If you feel called to participate in an organized effort to share the gospel, there are countless ways to get involved.

Mission Organizations

The most common way to become a missionary is through a missions organization or program.

The main purpose of mission organizations, like Nations Outreach, is to help facilitate sending missionaries abroad. You will be responsible for fundraising and gathering support.

For example, we provide our missionaries with a fundraising platform, events and retreats, online courses that teach things like raising support, and help with marketing.

We’re kind of like a missions pastor meets ad agency.

However, mission organizations aren’t created equal. Some offer little support and focus more on sending large numbers of missionaries, while others prioritize quality support for each individual missionary.

It’s important to research and find one that aligns with your values and goals for missions. If you’d like to see if we’re the right fit for you, we’re always accepting missionary applications.

Mission Trips

The most common type of Christian missions is a short-term mission trip. These typically last 1-2 weeks and involve traveling to a specific location to serve and share the gospel.

Mission trips can be organized through your church or a mission organization (like ours).

Mission trips are really important. Some of our missionaries came to know Jesus because a team on a short-term mission trip shared the gospel with them.

But they’re also really helpful for your personal and spiritual growth.

I went on my first mission trip to Sri Lanka when I was 14 years old. My church was going to help after the massive tsunami killed over 250,000 people.

That trip set me on a path towards missions ever since. I’ve helped build two missionary organizations, including this one.

Mission Projects

Mission projects refer to longer-term commitments, usually ranging from a few months to a couple of years.

They are often focused on a specific area or project, such as building churches, schools, or medical clinics. Mission projects can be organized by your church or through a mission organization.

At Nations Outreach, we have multiple on-going projects:

Disaster Relief

Help provide urgent aid to those most impacted by Hurricane Helene in North Carolina and Tennessee.

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Barahona School & Mission Base

Dominican Republic Mission Base

We are planting churches, building schools, and caring for the community in Barahona, Dominican Republic.

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Help Free Slaves In Pakistan

Freeing Slaves In Pakistan

We are freeing slaves in Pakistan and helping put them on a path toward stability.

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Newborn Brew

Newborn Brew

Newborn Brew is a community center and coffee shop that’s sharing the gospel in Pristina, Kosovo.

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Uganda Orphanage

The Jinja Children’s Home cares for over 50 orphans in Uganda. We provide housing, meals, education, and discipleship.

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Mission Events & Conferences

Around the world, missionaries gather together at mission conferences and events. Many of these events are organized by churches and mission organizations.

These events are not just about fellowship and networking, but they also provide opportunities for missionaries to learn from each other, share their experiences, and receive encouragement and support.

If you’re not a missionary, but you’re interested in what its like to become one, conferences and events are great opportunities to learn more and get involved. Most conferences have guest speakers that offer valuable insight and motivation for those already serving as well as those interested in getting involved with missions.

Attending these events can be a great way to learn more about the world of Christian missions and connect with others who share the same passion for spreading the gospel. You can also volunteer at these events, helping with tasks such as setting up, registration, and more.

In the future, Nations Outreach will be hosting our own mission conferences and missionary retreats.

Supporting Missions

If you don’t feel called to go and evangelize, there are many other ways to support missionaries.

Prayer is essential for missions. Join our Prayer Team and commit to regularly praying for missionaries and ministries serving around the world.

You can also donate to support missionaries and their work. This can help cover expenses such as travel costs, living expenses, and supplies needed for ministry.

No matter how you choose to get involved with Christian missions, know that it is an important and fulfilling aspect of the Christian faith.

Common Challenges Missionaries Face

Did you know? 71% of missionaries leave the mission field for preventable reasons. Things like burnout, lack of care and communication, and fundraising are common contributors.

These challenges are not new to modern missionaries. In the bible, the apostle Paul wrote about the hardships he faced while spreading the gospel.

In 2 Corinthians 11:23-27, he wrote, “Are they servants of Christ? I am a better one—I am talking like a madman—with far greater labors, far more imprisonments, with countless beatings, and often near death. Five times I received at the hands of the Jews the forty lashes less one. Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I was adrift at sea; on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers; in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure.”


Our communication strategy ties into another challenge missionaries face–advocacy.

It’s easy for a non-profit to talk about orphans, clean water, or freeing slaves. It’s not as easy to promote missionaries. One of the main reasons is because every missionary is different. They come from different backgrounds and cultures, they serve in different countries with varying needs, and their ministries often look very different.

But without advocacy, missionaries can struggle to find financial support or people to join them on the field.

That’s why we strive to not only support our missionaries but also advocate for them and raise awareness about their work and needs. We believe that by sharing stories of what God is doing through our missionaries, more people will be inspired to get involved in missions.

We do this by creating videos about missionaries to show what God is doing through their ministries.


Mission work is not for the faint of heart. It requires immense physical, emotional, and spiritual strength. Missionaries often face intense challenges, from living in difficult conditions to encountering opposition and persecution.

Without proper support and care, it’s easy for missionaries to experience burnout or feel overwhelmed by these challenges. That’s why regular communication, advocacy, and fundraising are crucial in sustaining missionaries on the field.

As an organization, we also prioritize providing our missionaries with emotional and spiritual support through regular check-ins, retreats, and resources to help them cope with any challenges they may be facing.


Though threats of violence and persecution are always present, one of the most common problems missionaries tell us they experience is a lack of communication.

Most missionaries are sent by churches or organizations. Initially, the church or organization keeps in touch. Church members send care packages, letters, and support.

As time goes on though, many missionaries tell us that the communication from back home slows down or stops altogether. Time differences, bad internet connections, and remote living can cause havoc on communication.

But regular communication is essential to staying connected to the people and communities being served, as well as receiving support from loved ones and prayer partners back home.

At Nations Outreach, we have established systems and resources for our missionaries to maintain consistent communication with our team, their supporters, and loved ones.

We also encourage our missionaries to regularly communicate their needs and challenges, so that we can relay them to people like you. This helps build a network of support, to help sustain them while they are serving on the field.


Perhaps the biggest struggle for any missionary is fundraising. It’s no secret that mission work requires financial support. Many missionaries have to rely on the generosity of others to fund their work and living expenses.

But fundraising can be a daunting task, especially for someone who may not have experience or skills in this area. It takes courage, persistence, and faith to reach out and ask for support.

For missionaries on the field, it can be difficult to keep supporters informed with their ministry. This can cause fundraising to lapse.

For missionaries looking to go into the field, one of the most common struggles is that churches and supporters aren’t willing to give until the missionary has reached their intended destination. The problem with that is it can cost $20,000 for a family to go to the mission field.

At Nations Outreach, we help our missionaries develop fundraising strategies and provide tools and resources to make it easier for them. We also use our platform to promote and share about the needs of our missionaries.

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